I'm sitting in an art inservice and I feel like whoa. This Art teacher is light years ahead of me in rolling out technology in her classroom.
1st great idea that I'd like to do is that at the end of the year she had her 5th grade students use any art app on the ipad and has them create their own original artwork. They can do photography, sketching, make a video, whatever. Then they take the images and put them on Animoto to create their own video and e-mail it to her. I'd LOVE to do this!!!
However in thinking about it, I automatically started thinking about problems. As teachers we want to work out all the kinks beforehand. So my first question was how did you get the kids to put the apps on their iPads, don't the parents have the passwords. Answer yes, the parents do have the passwords but she along with her specials team, sent home a letter telling the parents all the apps that they wanted downloaded, so art, music, pe, drama apps. Which is a great idea.
Now for me, this seems daunting, however I think I could manage to borrow 6 school iPads for my 6 classroom tables and just download the apps myself. I think for my first year it would be easier for a table to make an original group artwork and put it on animoto and then e-mail it to me.
Next great idea, have the students bring their ipads to class to take pictures of their artwork, download it to their google drive and start a digital portfolio.
Great new apps for me at least: SketchBookX(really great advanced sketching tool) Doodle Dandy and Pic Collage. I think PicCollage would be great for classroom teachers too.
-Keep on teaching those awesome artistes!
ReplyDeleteThank you and I am sorry if I overloaded you guys!!! Hahahahaha!
If you look at the 1:X tab on my blog, I have step by step directions for using shared iPads, this might be a good place to start. Also, if you use Animoto, you can get a teacher account and the kids can email their project to you. Keep me posted on how you and Dale are doing! And eat lots of snacks while you are teaching, she loves that!