Friday, January 31, 2014

Stop Motion Studio App

Today in 4th grade art we had a total blast using the iPads to create short stop motion animations. After reviewing many stop motion apps I settled on Stop Motion Studio, it's extremely easy to use, and it also allows you to add sound recordings. This lesson just took one 50min class period to create. The students broke off into partners and I took up the extra iPads. One person took the photos while the other person moved the objects. You could definitely expand upon this idea though through having the kids write scripts, plan out their videos, and use different materials like play dough, or plastic figures as objects. For our videos, we just used what was quick at hand, art supplies. Markers, scissors, glue bottles were the stars of the show. At the end of creating the videos, I had the students e-mail me their videos, and also e-mail their partner the video as well. Watch the short clips and enjoy!